
    Dear Little Stac’

    You are a source of pure joy and innocence in my life, and I am grateful for all that you bring to me. I love your resilience and ability to bounce back from challenges with unwavering optimism. You approach life with a sense of adventure and fearlessness that inspires me to be brave and take risks. Your playful spirit reminds me to not take myself too seriously and to always find the fun in every situation. Life will make you feel like you’re not keeping up but when the dust settles you realize no one has it all together and it’s ok to make mistakes.

    I love that you see beauty in the simplest things and find joy in the smallest moments, that a lot of us take for granted. Your imagination knows no bounds, and I admire the creativity and passion you have in your heart. I pray everyday I’m making you proud. All those sleepless nights praying for the days you would be loved, have come true.

    With all my love,


    Stacee’ M. Wright

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Yes, yes, yes, Stacee!! I love this letter wholeheartedly. My favorite line is “Life will make you feel like you’re not keeping up but when the dust settles you realize no one has it all together and it’s ok to make mistakes.” More people need to hear this!! It is 100% okay to make mistakes! It’s all part of the learning process. Thank you so much for a beautiful letter to read. Little Stac’ would be so happy to know that she grew up to be a great person.

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