  • Kindness Never Dies

    Optimism crushed under the weight
    Of life’s injustices and lies
    Childlike wonder suffocates
    As the world-weary soul grows wise
    A tender heart turned to stone
    By the world’s disapproving eyes
    The inner child barely hanging on
    But kindness never dies

    The authentic self bound in chains,
    Beaten, berated until it complies
    All quirks and flaws met with disdain
    Hidden under a respectable disguise
    The voice of reason utters its last sound
    In weak, despairing cries
    The inner child broken down
    But kindness never dies

    Morphed and molded to society’s rules
    Into something I don’t recognize
    Pressured to become callous and cruel
    The inner child’s inner voice defies
    One childlike trait persists
    Like phoenixes from ash rise
    The inner child still exists
    Because kindness never dies

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • This poem is such an inspiration to me. Too often, we let the struggles life throws at us dull the hopefulness and happiness of our childhood. As we become older and wiser, we realize that though there are lovely moments in life, there are also terrible ones. It is wonderful that your inner child can still find a way to rise up and see the good. Thank you for sharing!

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