  • What We Became

    I Remember when your dad
    Used to dress you up in the American flag
    You don’t know it yet,
    But you’ll still do that when you’re older
    I love all your silent prayers,
    How you always knew God had His angels there
    And when you were sad
    You let your tears land on His shoulder
    I admire your undying faith
    The faith that everything will always be Ok
    “There’s no other option,”
    You still say that to this day
    And I’ve tried to resurrect your simple ways
    How faith in times of trial made you brave
    And pen and paper became your saving grace
    Hidden in a drawer,
    The words you couldn’t say
    As you laid your spirit out on a page
    And we’re still doing it today

    Amber Davis

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Amber, what a beautiful poem about your faith and how it has stayed with you into adulthood. For many of us, finding strength through God really is the only option. The simplicity of childhood is something many of us try to resurrect, but it can only really be a memory and inspiration to move forward. Thank you for inspiring me!

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