  • You are..

    You’re the flowers that grow and the water that feeds them.
    You’re a breath of fresh air, never deceiving.
    You speak your mind freely, unafraid of judgments.
    You’re authentic and your love is abundant.
    You’re always around, the reason I’m sane.
    You’re a protector, you heal me from pain.
    You’re strong and courageous, you stand for truth.
    You’re wise and mature even though you’re my youth.

    Christina Gach

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Christina, the way you love your childhood self is an inspiration to me. The way you describe yourself is in such a pure and heartfelt way. I can tell that as an adult, you are strong, motivated, kind, and honest. Sometimes people see children as incapable, but your poem presents a child that was anything but! Thank you for sharing.

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