  • To Inner Child’s Nurturing Nature

    Dearest part of me, Little Bee
    Always buzz buzz buzzing free
    So happy and willing to be seen
    Contrast to this self-effacing she
    Where I breathe weak
    Your bravery roots deep
    Down to the depths of our trauma
    Remaining after all these days
    The Flora to my Fauna
    You’ve had to be our Mama
    In so many different ways
    And carry us through difficulty
    While loving unconditionally
    Dancing boldly to wind’s song
    Even when I have cold feet
    You’re strong like an old tree
    Gently swaying me along
    Or sheltering when I retreat
    You taught us to hope and dream
    With the joy of playing dress-up
    Our closet overgrown with good luck
    Everyday still buds a new costume
    You are my soul in full bloom
    Forever young but older and wise
    Growing together side by side
    Branching us out with you our guide
    Undoubtedly Love you’ll always be
    The single greatest part of me

    Alyssa Grimes

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Alyssa, I loved reading your sweet poem to your younger self. You began with a sweet and childlike image of a happy young girl and moved on to tell about all the challenges she would face. It seems like you still have a lot of this inner child within you. Thank you for sharing your poetry.

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    • Roses replied 2 weeks ago

      Everyday still buds a new costume 🫰🏾🫰🏾🌹🌹, love this line ‼️

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