  • My Curious Inner Child

    You’re going through a lot, dear inner child,
    And so much around you looks so unclear,
    The adults around you are drunk and wild,
    You hide yourself away out of deep fear.

    They’re raising you but they do not know you,
    And they never will know you very well,
    For now there is not much that you can do,
    But hide in your mind away from that hell.

    Your curiosity is your escape,
    Your distraction from the dark world you see,
    Tools and materials for your dreamscape,
    You live to learn and it sets your soul free.

    Many days you will barely want to wake,
    But your curious mind gives you reasons,
    You get yourself up for knowledge’s sake,
    Your thirsty brain pushes you through seasons.

    The kids at school are no kinder to you,
    In everyone’s eyes you’re different and weird,
    But curiosity drives all you do,
    And it’s the reason you have persevered.

    Curiosity is why you’re alive,
    And while the world won’t show much love for you,
    Someday it’ll be the reason you thrive,
    And why some will appreciate what you do.

    Your curious mind is armor to you,
    It made you want to live and so we do,
    It saved your life more than you ever knew,
    It’s what I love the most about you too.

    Tiffany Winter Willow

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Tiffany, your poem represents a childhood that was not easy by any means, but that helped you transform into the strong human being you are today. I can tell through your kind words to your younger self that you are the kind of person who builds people up instead of bringing them down. Thank you for sharing!

      Write me back 

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