  • Healing the Younger Me/What I love about my younger self

    It’s fun being a girl having the style that I like.
    Having a flow that’s real smooth.
    Having that bad, mad, sizzling, loving, tender, and smart attitude.
    Having independence and confidence in yourself.
    Being who you are and who you want to be.
    Being strong, being independent, and at the same time being a lady.
    It’s fun being who you want to be.
    It’s fun doing what you want to do.
    So be it, be who you want to be.
    Do what you want to do.
    Be everything that a girl is but as far as me I’m everything that a girl is because
    everything that a girl is, is who I want to be!

    Dear little Aalijah,

    You wrote those words when you were ten.
    Entering it into a competition; you had no idea that you’d win.

    Yet the words flowed right from the heart.
    You truly loved who God created you to be.
    A Girl—unbeknownst to the light that shined within her brighter than a star.

    A personality so sweet, yet spunky.
    So creative, yet inspiring.
    Talented, intelligent, beautiful, unique.
    Funny, witty, joyful, genuine, always eager to learn, and optimistic.
    You are everything you were meant to be.

    What I love the most about you is that you were filled with so much love.
    Love for God and church, love for your yourself, love for family, love for friends,
    love for school, love for all things.
    This love fueled your zeal for life.
    No, you were not perfect. But what you are is a gift from God and a blessing.
    No flaw, no challenge, no hardship could ever deter what Abba designed.
    You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
    Both the good and the bad were woven together to build you up just right-
    All for God’s glory in which He purposed and aligned.

    I know the passing of Grandma hurt you.
    I know the neglect and rejection you went through.
    I know the bullying you endured and the offense it made you feel—the wall you
    put up and the tears you held in.
    All of it had a part in taking away your love and zeal.
    You were heartbroken. Feelings kept hidden. Pain buried deep.
    You often felt misunderstood and didn’t know how to be.

    I want to reassure you that God has always been there tending to you like a
    Shepherd as it says in Psalms 23.
    He is the God who sees. He has always seen you.
    Little Lijah, our pain was not in vain but it was always meant to grow us gradually.
    In writing this piece, my hope is that your love and zeal come back whole-
    I pray to share in the zest and joy of life with you again.
    This pain will no longer be a thorn or a hinderance.
    But it will be a reminder of your little heart, once broken but soon mended.

    What I love the most about you are your child-like innocence.
    Your trust, your enthusiasm, and you simply being carefree.
    Bigger me misses that from little you.
    One of the attributes that seemed to be lost in between all the things.
    Self-Consciousness & anxiety has often filled in where carefree should be.
    Mistrust has placed trust in the back seat.
    & often times sadness and depression has evaporated any ounce of enthusiasm—
    making it hard to be joy filled & happy.
    Although there have been life events that have tried taking the simple gifts away.
    I want you to know it is still within you.
    It may be buried deep but you carry it every day.
    My prayer is with this poetic letter, you’d allow it to come out and that these
    things would stay.

    Little Aalijah, you are so deserving of all your heart has ever wanted.
    You are special. You are loved, you are heard and seen.
    You are wanted by God and you don’t have to be perfect.
    You often were a perfectionist but with Abba He loves you for who He created
    you to be.
    That is truly all that matters—the approval of one & that is God’s alone.
    You no longer have to people please.
    You are chosen.
    You are kept by The Father and in His heart, you are known.
    His eyes are on you and His heart is for you.
    He is enough.
    You are enough.
    Please let your heart believe.
    Be confident again.
    Believe again. Dream again. Be fully free!

    Once again, when you were ten you said everything that a girl is, is who you want
    to be.
    Well the last thing I loved about you and still do is that you were everything a
    girl is as little me.
    But now more than ever you are everything that a woman, mother, lady, daughter of God and a princess is to be.

    Please be healed and whole. Without limits, let our heart be fruitful, loving, carefree, and happy!

    Signed, Sealed, Delivered yours truly!


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aalijah, this is such a sweet letter. I’m so sorry for the loss of your grandma, as well as the other events that caused childhood to be a little rocky. I am so happy that you are working through these past pains and becoming a stronger and better person because of it. Little you would have loved to hear this ♥♥

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