  • Dear Me: Navigating Youth and Embracing Growth

    Dear Bernie,
    Life has been challenging but it will get better. Despite your circumstances, I just want to tell you that I am proud of you. Your mom gave you away because she wasn’t fit to take care of you. Her best decision was to place you in a safe, loving home with a better family. I know you were only 3 months old and not able to understand why this had happened. I pray you forgive her one day. Mistakes were made and lessons were learned. It was all for the betterment of your well-being. Don’t worry, just because you got pregnant at 14 and 16, that didn’t make you a failure. There was just a little disappointment  from your parents because they had other plans for you. 

    I love that you didn’t allow the disappointment  to slow down or quit. You had two beautiful girls before 17, and you PERSEVERED!  You showed up for yourself everyday. No matter who judged you for your choices, you stayed strong and excelled. All those scary moments where you were unsure about what to do next, you figured it out.

    Remember, when you were learning how to ride a bike without training wheels for the first time. You were only four years old and so unafraid. Your dad was very determined to get you to learn that day. He had faith in you and knew you were capable. It just took some practice and a few falls. I love how every time you fell, you got right back up. You didn’t say “I hate this, I quit!” You cried a little, wiped your tears and tried again. That’s how life will be. Stay geared up! Fall and get back up and try again. In the words of Aaliyah, your favorite singer,” If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again, try again”.  

    You are so courageous and have overcome many obstacles. You are a fearless being. It’s okay if you’re afraid of pigeons. You will overcome that as well. If you had to get into the boxing ring with one, you would WIN (LOL). That’s what you know to do best. I love your creativity and  your brainpower to think outside the box. I love the caring side of you. You are always looking out for everyone. You’d give your last to please someone else. Be careful with who you give your last to, because the wrong person could take advantage. Everyone’s intentions aren’t as pure as yours. It’s one of your greatest superpowers to help others. I love the way your heart smiles when you make others happy. The joy it brings to you is so exceptional. The world needs more people like you. I love when you  challenge yourself. Even when you’re feeling doubtful, you make an effort. You push yourself because it’s just naturally in you. You may be unaware of your potential at times. Don’t let that deter you from getting to where you are headed. You have a bright future waiting for your arrival. 

    Falling may seem like a bad thing right now but ironically, it will be your greatest success. It will teach you many lessons that will prepare you to be a better human to this world and a better mother to your girls when they are older. Trust and believe, your daughters will go through similar situations. The difference is, they will have you as a mother. They will be confident to come to you and ask for help. They won’t be afraid to be themselves because their mother won’t judge them. They will learn from your story and be abe to create their own, so when they are ready to pass down advice and knowledge to their future children, you will always be the first person they think of. Never forget where you have come from, tell your mother you love her and you appreciate all that she has done. After all, none of this would have been possible without her. She is so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself as well.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Bernadette, what a beautiful letter. I know that you went through SO much and it must have been so difficult to deal with these things. everything you have endured is only building you up for experiences you might have in your future. Your daughters will be so lucky to have a mother who is knowledgeable and relatable like you. You are only getting stronger when you go through things like these! You are amazing!!! ♥♥

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