  • Treasure (alt: to all my selves)

    Do you remember how
    we play in places like this-
    rocky, tumultuous, blank?
    How we take this stone hollow,
    and make it hallowed with treasure:

    A smooth pebble.
    The feather Mom said would make us sick.
    This perfect, crooked stick.

    Let me tuck you in to this place
    just for us, guarded by
    a thicket of brambles.

    Did you know fruit grows here,
    like magic in the thorns?
    Sometimes juicy, sometimes sharp,
    always a gift.
Do all grown ups grow into caves?
    Do you keep here empty on purpose,
    so that little treasures can keep a home?
    So sweet things can live inside?

    M. McGonagle

    M. McGonagle

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Maura, I love this!! Childhood memories are so important and valuable. I am happy that you made some good ones that you can keep with you and look back on throughout your life. Such an interesting perspective!

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      • Thank you! My childhood wasn’t the best so a lot of my perspective on an inner child comes from a place of healing and wanting to keep that part of me safe, which I tried to honor here. I’m glad you like it!

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