  • Thank you little Lamb

    Oh sweet little me,
    I see you.
    Thank you for your strength.
    Don’t worry; we still see the world just as brightly,
    I made sure to try my hardest.
    We still love just as loudly,
    but we’ve gained perspective.
    We are still just as creative and just as inspired,
    but with that came knowledge.
    The knowledge to know that they loved you
    as hard as they could,
    as hard as they knew,
    but just because
    it wasn’t as loud as you
    doesn’t mean it wasn’t love.
    The knowledge to know that
    not everybody has your best intentions,
    even when they tell you
    that their intentions are best.
    You stayed strong
    and understanding.
    I wish I could tell you better but,
    all I can say is,
    they tried.
    I know they did their best
    and even though
    I’m finally living my childhood
    at twenty-six,
    I know that everything
    I have
    is because of you.
    I love that you grew up for us,
    I’m just sorry I couldn’t give you the
    that I have now.
    Then maybe you could understand
    everything going on around you.
    Thank you for your sacrifice.
    I put you through hell
    I knew
    there was light at the end of the tunnel.
    I’m sorry you were the lamb for slaughter.
    My sacrifice hurt you.
    My sacrifice tore you to shreds.
    My sacrifice gave you the scars you resent
    and put hate in your heart.
    I hurt you.
    I’m sorry I’m selfish
    I’m sorry that you went hungry
    for love and joy.
    Thank you for taking care of us.
    You raised us just right.
    Thank you for your sacrifice.
    The sun shines just as bright.

    Emm L.

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Emilee, this is SO beautiful. I love the way that you wrote this. Even though you went through a lot, you always remembered where you came from and how you started your journey through life. The people around you love you so much and you have always meant so much to them. You are an amazing person and I am so proud of how far you have come! ♥

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