  • To Little Blue

    Dear Little Blue,

    Since others won’t, I’ll tell you what I love most about you. I love your kind soul, your gentle demeanor and your willingness to see past anyone’s flaws and still love them with your whole self. Don’t ever lose that. Even though, in this lifetime, you will experience pain that no one should have to, I love how you pick up and turn it into determination to move forward. I love your imagination, the way you play, the things you come up with to make your Barbie dolls say. You know some kind of maturity that most of your peers won’t know for many, many years. Let that guide you far ahead in life, sweet girl. I love that even though you don’t always feel so great about yourself, you never hesitate to tell others how great they are, how beautiful they are inside and out. That soul of yours is golden, my girl. Don’t torment yourself with the what-ifs and the unsaid. I love how much you love things! I love that when you find something you enjoy, you throw yourself into it fully and completely, no matter what others think of it. There’s not a twinge of shyness about it, no shame, only a sincere desire to enjoy things for you and only you. You also enjoy encouraging others to do the same, which I think is so important. I love all the good in you, little blue. I love your slightly over-bitten smile from a little too long an affair with your pacifier. Which brings me to your stubbornness. Many people would see how you stand your ground as a bad thing, labeling you a brat. For me, I love that you don’t let people walk all over you. I love that you scream and shout your beliefs and stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s not the most popular thing among the people in your life. I love the way you love, your tight hugs and lingering to-the-cheek kisses. You hold on extra tight because you always want to be sure that person knows just how much you love them while we’re all still on earthside. So run, my dear, spin in circles in the front yard until your light-up Skechers are the only things shining brighter than the stars. Hug Daddy tight and kiss him good night. Snuggle under your favorite princess blanket and shut your eyes, only having the sweetest dreams play behind them. You’ve got a strong head on your shoulders, baby. Never give up. I love you always.

    Love, and always looking out for you,
    Big Blue

    Corrine (Big Blue)

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Corrine. This is so adorable. Your younger self would be so happy to know that she grew up to be an amazing person who still loves unconditionally and truly. I love that you acknowledged your maturity at such a young age. Even though you went through things that some other kids didn’t, you used it to grow yourself as a person and didn’t let it drag you down. Great work ♥

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