  • Dedicated to the Dragonslayers

    Come dragonslayer, sword in hand
    The white billowing fields call
    Verdant hills across azure land
    Be prepared, do not fall.

    The clouds are black here
    The misery is deep
    Love yourself,
    You approach the soul’s keep.

    The crimson lightning strikes the sky
    The end of the world is nigh
    The dragon lashes, the beast strikes
    Swing your sword with all your might.

    A rain falls suddenly, like chromatic sand
    Volpant crystals, nezerinian gems, gazerbanian bjands.
    Things are stranger in this distant land.
    You’ve reached the other side, you’ve done it, you’ve won.

    And yet little dragonslayer, your journey has just begun.

    Jim A Shaw

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jim, this is such a powerful poem. Your word choices are so creative and unique. Your younger self must have been so strong! Even though it can take time to build up courage and strength like you are describing, you did it and I could not be more proud of you for that. I enjoyed your poem. Keep up the great work. ♥

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