  • Self love is the best love

    Growing up I was always the odd and different kid from top to bottom, from inside and out nothing about me was able to blend in. I can remember memories from as young as 6 on the playground and other little girls would say “Why do you sound like that?” I was a very soft-spoken kid who had medical issues that I was overcoming. With all of that being said plus growing up rural where it’s not many options to just up and change schools I had to develop grit and a sense of self very early. Sometimes I would cry kids didn’t want to be my friend I thought I was weird I was not! Every day before I even knew what affirmations were I would look at myself and find something to love about me I dived into myself and discovered all of my hidden talents. What I love about myself self as a child that I carry as my inner child today is that there is only one YOU. And you can either hate yourself or love yourself, I chose love. I choose peace and happiness every day and I will instill these same positive beliefs in my children. I love that I never judged other kids I carry that trait with me to this day I’m aware of the danger but I never judge a book by its cover because I know what that feels like firsthand. My inner child is a patient and gentle spirit who was and will always be there for the people she loves but most importantly herself. That’s what I love about my inner child, she is still alive after all we’ve been through.

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Tia what a sweet message. I am so sorry that those kids told you that. I can imagine how hard that must have been for you to deal with and the strength you had to have to overcome it. I am so proud of you for staying true to yourself and always being such a loving and happy person. Never forget about little you! She will always be with you ♥

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