  • The Storm

    One day the little girl gets older
    She reads books, sees the news, experiences life
    and learns that everything she once thought was truth
    is a lie
    She doesn’t need to hold her tongue to keep the peace
    She doesn’t need to prove her worth amongst the men
    She is the storm
    And she knows it.

    Lindsey Lykins

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Linsdey, YES! I love this poem! This inspires me in so many ways!! You are so powerful and I love that you realized that you do what you want and you shouldn’t let others dictate anything for your path! You ARE most definitely the storm and you will define yourself by the accomplishments you have made happen. You are such a strong person and I can’t wait to hear about the great things you will do ♥

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