  • Merit in Mediocrity

    Yes, you can’t and that’s totally ok!
    “Average is awesome” is a philosophy that needs to be given its rightful place in urban society.
    While the pursuit to excellence comes with immense self-pride /satisfaction at the pinnacle , it also carries with it a heavy mixed bag of insecurities, strife and stress along the way.

    Why is one almost always unfairly judged on being content with just being average?

    While some may argue the acceptance of mediocrity creates a false sense of acheivement and is the villian to all things great , I believe it is supremely meditative to do so. It nurtures a complete abandon of self doubt and offers the freedom not to hold back on living life to the fullest on one’s own terms.

    For some being midway is truly being at the finish point.
    As someone who has constantly been working to break free from the ever tightening shackles of self improvement , I am finally begining to embrace the average in all of middle aged me.

    There are no more mountains I wish to climb, no more i wish to traverse , just let me lay someplace in the middle as it is my happiest place to be!!

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • As a recovering perfectionist, there is so much peace in being happy with who you are as you are and not always have to be striving to be the best or perfect or better than average. <3 Lauren

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