  • Dear Little Mr

    Dear Little Me,
    There is so much I want to say, but if I could say anything I want you to remember this: fear is an illusion. Never let it drive your decisions.
    You are a unique being with a bright light and can accomplish anything you set your mind to. If you ever feel lost or alone, that light will guide you to where you need to go. Your heart is full of love. It’s okay to protect it, but share it with the world! When you share your love and feel rejected that’s ok. Those aren’t your people, but thank and love them anyway. There is always someone that will love you and it starts with YOU loving YOURSELF.
    Don’t be afraid to try new things. In fact, do all the things! They are opportunities to have fun and learn about what you like. You are a true winner as long as you keep love, confidence and hope in your heart. Believe in yourself and love yourself first. When you do, you’ll see it in the people around you.
    Mistakes are learning opportunities of self discovery. When you notice them, embrace them with gratitude. They are here to help you and change is inevitable. Sometimes it may be uncomfortable, but you will learn to love yourself unconditionally and see the bigger picture.
    The universe loves you just as you are. If you fall, it will catch you. If you cry, it will hold you. If you’re sad, it will comfort you with unconditional love. Things will always balance out. So stay in the present moment and enjoy being you. Your voice is important and you have everything you need already inside you to accomplish anything.
    Keep writing your stories; I will read them. Keep painting your drawings; I will display them. Keep singing your songs; your voice is phenomenal. Keep reading books; it’ll expand your imagination. Keep running barefoot and soaking up the wonderful sun. Don’t forget to dance in the rain. Shape your own destiny with positive thoughts. Keep going love, you got this!
    I love you
    Big Me

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Dierrie, this is such an important message to learn. “Fear is an illusion” is now one of my favorite quotes! I never really thought about it, but honestly, I’m thinking to myself, why was I ever scared to talk to them or to try that food or to ask that question? The truth is, you only live once, so don’t live in fear of being judged, because the only thing left for you after that will be regret. I love this perspective, great work!

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