  • Behind those eyes

    Behind those purple glasses hid a world of wonder and endless possibility. To her, a star could be held in the palms of her hands if she reached far enough. Spilled paint stained her tiny hands for the stories in her mind she tried to bring to our world to show us. Passion filled her lungs and burst through her veins like a nova. With every breath she took in a part of creation, merging it with her soul. To her snowflakes were platinum glitter from an angel’s fingertips. Stars were glimmers of the light In God’s eyes. Love was hidden in all hearts with no exception. Colors were silent songs for our sight. In good there was everything and in everything there was good, some form of God’s glory to whisper to us. She didn’t live here she was everywhere. She traveled times and spaces that no one’s seen. In the paradise of parallel universes, her soul danced freely. Death was just the end of her perfectly written chapter in this grand story. She would stop and listen to her heartbeat knowing in amazement. Knowing that if it still thumped there was more, because there’s always more. More to love


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Miah, this is a fascinating piece. The amount of creativity that can sprout from one person’s brain is truly unfathomable. It sounds like you had a wild imagination that must have made your childhood so entertaining and memorable. I’m glad that you mentioned that there is always more to love. Hobbies change, abilities change and people change. Evolving happens every day! You are moving on to bigger and better things EVERY DAY! You can do anything! ♥

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