  • Dear inner child

    Dear inner child✨
    You are my little ray of sunshine, to give me hope on the gloomiest of days.
    You make me laugh when I want to cry.
    You take the seriousness away and remind me that I’m okay. You sing me the songs that allow me to breathe in your life that still lives within me. I love you and all you do. You are kind and strong and your love is never wrong. You are honest and pure and your love will forever be an open door. Thank you:)

    Emma Johnson

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Emma, I love this! Your inner child would be so happy to know that she became a wise and confident adult. My favorite line of yours is “You take the seriousness away” because sometimes when life starts to get a little too overwhelming, you can forget what matters. Being happy and enjoying the little moments! Some people don’t get to experience the things that you do every day. It is important to always be grateful for what we have and to thank our inner child for building us into who we are today. Great work ♥

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