  • The hug you always wanted

    In all of its essence, beauty and purity
    The power you hold has never wavered
    You’ve built mountains with your passion
    You’ve created galaxies with your confidence
    You’ve shattered complacency with your vigilante’s heart
    Everywhere you go
    Everyone you’ve touched
    Everyone you speak to
    Feel the depths of your soul
    A true child of god
    The energy you carry has brought us closer
    To our higher power
    To friends, family, lovers
    To our Ancestors
    To the Universe
    That’s why I thank you
    You’ve paved the way for my existence
    That is why I protect you
    You’re precious
    To me
    To this world
    You are celestial
    And there’s nothing I would change about you babygirl
    You are home.
    I’ll always be grateful
    I’ll always be with you
    I love you

    – Pheonix


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Amaya, this is a BEAUTIFUL letter. My favorite line of yours would have to be when you said ” there’s nothing I would change about you” because so many kids have such negative images drawn towards themselves, whether it’s something about their physical appearance or their personality, it is so important to know that being unique is what makes you beautiful! The creativity in your words is truly inspiring and I’m so glad you shared this. Amazing work ♥

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