  • Trusting an envelope

    Hello, princess .. it’s an unfamiliar word that we wished we heard more often. I am your future self, and i know you wouldn’t doubt it because we have always buried our heads in books to escape the disgusting reality we live(d) in. I couldn’t be more proud of the incredible person you have made us to be. Your resilience, creativity, and secret confidence have helped us overcome countless obstacles and thrive in the future. I want you to know that every sacrifice you made was worth it, and we are living proof of that. Keep being your amazing self and never lose sight of who you are even if you don’t know just yet. Those hugs, kisses, cuddles with a teddy bear, that love you crave. we get it all in your future. Just wish there was a way I could hold you tightly and assure you. The trip has been ugly for us but it will be prettier soon. I love you . Please give yourself a break, we were made to survive the savages . You are a goddess in the making . I’m sorry for not being able to fight alongside of you, but you do fight with me because without you none of this would be possible. I’m happy to be your future because you are still in it .
    P.s. those scars will heal and they will be so cool in the future ! I love you forever my little white light princess . You will outshine everyone you cross paths with .
    Oh and by the way Just know you are popular amongst people even if you don’t think so .. WE ARE THE COOL KIDS

    Alexis Alvarez

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I would like any critique or comment . It’s much appreciated. Peace and love to all

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    • Alexis, I LOVE this!! Even though things were tough for you as a child, I am so glad that you got through them and you have made yourself into a better person because of it. My favorite line of yours is “without you none of this would be possible” and I really wish that more people thought about their past like this. Many believe that because their childhood was a dark time for them, they would be better off just forgetting about the things they hated. But the truth is, you can’t just ‘forget’ about anything that happened to you. You have to come to terms with it and grow from it!! You are unstoppable and I am always here if you need to talk! ♥

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