  • I Love How You Beat the System

    Dear Younger me,

    I love how you beat the system

    The sting from your dad’s hand, you will no longer endure
    The swoosh of the cord from his swing you will no longer feel
    The burning pain from his lighter you will no longer suffer
    Watching him threaten mom and pull a gun on her, you’ll no longer witness

    I love how you beat the system

    Stumbling up the baby sitter’s stairs not knowing what will happen next
    Climbing on his bed, water underneath knocking you off balance
    Remember this was the biggest lollipop you felt and grossed one you tasted

    I love how you beat the system

    Not understanding why mom had to leave us or won’t be in pain
    Not knowing she was living in a body that was no longer hers
    Seeing your lifeless body laying in that wooden bed, part of me died
    The touch of her skin is ice cold and body is pale like a ghost

    I love how you beat the system

    You could have picked up your first drink before legal age
    You could have taken to the street and get paid to let others use your body
    You could have fully died to be with your mom
    You could have made so many poor choices but you didn’t
    You beat the system, now live your life

    Carley Footh

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Carley, I am so incredibly sorry for what you went through. No child should ever have to experience anything like that and I can’t even imagine how hard all of that must have been on you. Despite all of those insanely traumatic things that happened to you, I am so happy you decided to move on with your life and broke free into a new life. Although you will always have those agonizing memories with you, you can choose to block those out and live a life free of loathing and sulking. You decide what is best for you now! Don’t let anyone take that freedom away from you. Stay strong ♥

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