  • Listen

    I remember a beast with a foul tongue.
    Everyday an endless torment.
    Scorching with hateful words.
    Digging deeper still.
    Till at last I find you hidden.
    We are one and the same.
    I am here to remind you.
    That you are loved beyond measure.
    It wasn’t your fault.
    You have always been innocent.
    Just looking for acceptance.
    That I adore, your singing little songs.
    How curious you were about nature.
    I loved most was how gentle you were.
    Quick witted, bright, tried with all your might.
    How your smile would beam.
    That you were shy with strangers like a closed bud.
    Unless you knew them well.
    The bud when turns into an open flower.
    Your an amazing survivor.
    Have turned tragedy into victory.
    By simply being uniquely you.
    My! How stunning you shine.
    I saved all your tears in a bottle.
    To place it in God’s palm.
    Never doubt His love, luv.
    Just remember to keep an open heart and listen.

    Judith Grindle

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • This is BEAUTIFUL!! I love the line where you said you have accomplished all of the things that you have “By simply being uniquely you.” This is so important for kids to understand. Being so proud of your younger self isn’t really because of all you have accomplished along the way, it is because of who you have become along the way!! You have always been true to yourself and I admire that. Great work. ♥

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