  • Inner Child’s Bouquet

    To my inner child:

    I want to take the time to give you your flowers.

    Throughout this journey of adulthood, I’ve been able to rely on you no matter the day, time or hour.

    I love the way that you’re able to see the beauty in everything.

    The way you can go through hell and still pinpoint every lesson and blessing the walk may bring.

    Your heart will hurt and you’ll still smile trusting the pain will only prevail for a short while.

    Your eyes will swell with tears in the face of your biggest fears yet you never turn and run away.

    You get up each morning ready to do your very best despite the bumps and bruises of the fight from the previous day.

    I may be the adult but it’s you that I look up to.

    It’s the will to keep loving and living, no matter how hard, that I love most about you.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Keyonna, this is such a great letter. You were a strong and resilient kid with a pure heart filled with nothing but love to share. You have become such an amazing person and little you would be so happy to see who she has become. My favorite line is “You get up each morning ready to do your very best despite the bumps and bruises of the fight from the previous day.” Despite the challenges you had to face, you kept a positive attitude and kept on going. Great work ♥

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