  • Love of the Child

    Wide- eyed child.
    Who are you now?
    Jagged and smooth child,
    Your arms twist and you twirl in the bright sunlight beaming through the window.
    Your bulging eyes are put to rest
    Shut them as you spin and jump and jive to a sweet melody from your father’s collection.
    Pensive child!
    Long nights spent in thoughtful stupor
    Frantic scribblings of worry and love within the spiraled notebook
    Machinations of your mind’s eye
    In the form of jejune prose and self portraits.
    Oh, you sweet child
    Declarations of gratitude dedicated to all the love you’ve ever known-
    Here is my origin! These are my makers. They love me and I adore them.
    This is written on the countless of your attempts to recreate their image.
    Your eyes swell up with love, you cry near every night into your pillow.
    “Do they know how much they mean to me? My mother’s gracious eyes and my father’s crooked teeth peeking from his teasing smile?”
    Yes, adored child, they know.
    Wily child
    Your existence is soaked in verve.
    From your discombobulated image-
    Milky, a crow’s coat sprouting from your excitable head
    A pair of eyes that overwhelm their subjects
    Fae footprints that dance over your nose and across both cheeks
    You’re dressed in every color you have ever seen
    Your small hands create testimonies of love, they write stories
    Flowing from your bitten fingertips, your perception is exposed.
    No one has ever been spared from your yearning to understand them
    And your willingness to love them
    Your readiness to show it
    I have always loved you,
    Vivacious and intriguing child
    You follow me everywhere.
    “Who am I now?”
    You are the passion within me, you are love and you are naivety.
    You are the giver of my admirations, you are the perceptive and the gracious.
    The fire and awe within my soul, the desire to create, the willingness to love without regard.
    The merciful and the impatient,
    The petulant and the wondrous.
    You keep me grounded
    In a world that cannot ever be mine
    But you and I will always be each other’s.
    Oh, me, myself, my child
    What I wouldn’t give to be held by your wide and merciful eyes.

    Anzie Soria

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Anzie, what a beautiful poem. The connection that you have with your younger self will never die. Chapter one of a book may have its ups and downs, but it is the foundation of the story, so it can never be forgotten! You are amazing and so strong and even though you may think it is easier to just live freely as a kid, you are evolving into such a wonderful person. Enjoy who you are, admire who you were and aspire to better for the future! You’ve got this!

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