  • Dear Lilly,

    You are so sweet,
    So kind
    So loving
    You are so precious.
    So beautiful
    And so stunning.
    Yet it is your soul that radiates
    It is your vibrancy that gleams
    From the inside
    You are precious, a dainty little thing
    Soft as a flower, gentle as a duckling.
    You are so sweet, so kind, and so tender
    This world tries to smother you down with it,
    You keep me afloat during it all.
    You remind me that peace, goodness, and love are qualities that should not be forgotten.
    That even through the most trying of times, love should outweigh the pain.
    Your forgiveness is awe-inspiring. You truly are too good to be true. You extend a hand to anyone in need and offer your strong back to carry the weight of others. You let your light guide your way, and it is captivating.
    You are radiant.
    A true gem
    Light on earth.
    Thank you for dancing through fields of dandelions and laughing every chance you get. Thank you for taking care of others and reminding everyone that kindness goes a long way. You are an inspiration to us all.
    You are brave, bold, tenacious, and sometimes too hard on yourself.
    You should allow others to see just how beautiful you can be.

    I love you, endlessly.

    Lillian Huffman

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lillian, this is a very inspirational piece. You have become a fantastic person because of the challenges you’ve had to endure. Without them, you wouldn’t be the wise and capable person that you are today. It can be difficult to express who we are, but now that you look back on your childhood, I hope you can see how much more confident you could have been and I hope that correlates to your personality today! Keep up the great work! ♥

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