  • Little One

    Feral and ferociously free.
    Feet calloused from barefoot treks.

    Hair matted with strawberry knees.
    Climbing any tree limbs within reach.

    Paying no mind to outward beauty.
    Dwelling only in excitement.

    And when the rains come.
    It’s welcomed.

    Grinning ear to ear.
    Stomping through the mud with glee.

    No fear, no bitterness.
    Just feral and ferociously free.

    The little one in me.

    Hannah Burchfield

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Awww this is so cute! I feel like this is how every child/ person should feel: powerful, fearless, and free. I hope you continue to hold and embody younger you. Thanks for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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