  • 2007; 2024

    You sit on the couch with a lamp on
    Writing a poem
    Bananas on the coffee table
    Are ripening.

    You’re creative
    Expressing yourself authentically
    You observe carefully
    Sensing the world around you
    You contain depth and wisdom
    A counter to a mainstream thought process
    Seeing details and complexities
    You feel everything deeply
    You write to make sense
    Of the world around you
    The bananas are ripe.

    You feel inadequate
    You harden your shell
    The bananas are overripe.
    You stop writing poetry
    The bananas rot.
    Fruit flies swarm
    And colonize
    How you feel about who you’ve become
    In comparison to who you were

    But then an opportunity appears
    To revisit the past
    When the bananas were beginning to ripen
    To write a poem
    To your inner child
    Where you’re reminded of the little girl
    Who was unique
    Who wrote to make sense of her world
    And remember
    That the inner child hasn’t been lost
    These qualities still exist within her

    A vinegar and dish soap trap
    The fruit flies give out
    Are coaxed out
    And she is once again writing a poem

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I always say we the goal is we grow is not to become someone knew but rather to stay true to who we have always been, and then become the best version of her/him. This piece reminded me so much of that sentiment. I love this part, “ou’re reminded of the little girl
      Who was unique
      Who wrote to make sense of her world
      And remember
      That the inner child hasn’t been lost
      These qualities still exist within her”

      Thank you for sharing. Keep writing. Keep being the person you’ve always been. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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