  • Creativity

    Not a big deal, she said
    Everybody does this she thought
    But being creative is one of the biggest blessings
    It means winning every school project
    Escape with my aunt
    Be proud of my accomplishments
    The excitement of start to finish
    The chocolate piano making music sing
    The t-shirts of Percy Jackson fighting high in the sky
    The valentines boxes impressing the judges
    The special birthday cards for special people
    The constant inspiration
    The constant smiles
    The constant love
    The constant people
    The constant showing off
    Impressing the crowd

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rachel, this is a great poem! You are SO creative and it really does shine through your writing. Even though you have a brilliant mind full of great ideas, you are amazing and you are enough! You don’t always have to please others or worry about their views of you. Keep writing and being yourself! ♥

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