  • I Grew Up In An Opera

    I Grew Up In An Opera

    Silence polluted the apartment
    like smoke from my father’s cigars.
    My mother made rare appearances
    due to lengthy bookings in darkened rooms.
    My uncle the doctor gave me candy
    when he visited her.
    The Rabbi said I needed to be patient.
    I was nine; what is patience?
    Every night
    my father drank 2 shots of rye and read the paper
    before he went to her room.
    Her room. The Prima.

    When he came out, he never saw me
    standing outside the door.

    I wanted to talk to the wizard;
    Dorothy had it easy.


    Hey Blondie:

    you were and are
    amazing. Firstborn
    with a boy’s name
    whose genes for so
    happy you started growing
    and developing and were
    too “big” for your age
    so you wore mom’s clothes
    and still thought you were
    cute as you pranced around
    wearing nothing but an apron,
    while your baby brother laughed
    and your mother cried.
    You didn’t bother changing
    as time moved around you;
    you didn’t see the point
    and still don’t. That’s why
    I can still wear crazy barrettes
    and thrift store treasures
    that get missed by the
    greater good. I know
    you’re in charge!
    Thank you for staying close
    during all the hard times.
    I’m sure that’s why
    I can still laugh
    with the best of them
    and think a blue sky
    or a day of rain is just
    Yo cutie: Continue
    to rock on.

    Daley, your bestie

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Dale, this is so cute. I love that you have never lost your spunk and creativity throughout the years. You are so unique and I think your younger self would have loved to know that you never lost that feature. Keep being you because you are amazing! I aspire to be as carefree and quirky as you ☺♥

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