  • Fountain of Youth

    Define child play? A child who is lost in the world having a crazy imagination. Reflecting back on the younger years when we were carefree. We were young, wild, and free. Thankful for the memories like a broken record playing the same, old song. Bittersweet memories, now part of my broken, rearranged heart. But life has changed me and I know I have changed. I wish I knew then what I know now. Through the times I have grown. I am filled with regret but, my heart still beats. In this life, regrets are just lessons we’ve arranged. Lost in the past, with every mistake. We were young and dumb. Clueless as to who we wanted to be. I want to go back to when I was young when I was a kid. I don’t blame you for taking the easy way out. I just thought I could do without thinking about the future. I remember when I was younger we were so cheap and shaped. It must’ve seemed like yesterday. How time flies by. Still remember the thrill and the thrill of the ride. I still feel the joy, even though we’ve rearranged. I remember how I used to laugh and joke.

    I can’t forget the good times I had in the past. Drawing as a child, playing hide and seek, flying planes in the park, going to carnivals etc. It was so much fun and liberating.
    All these memories, I’m celebrating.
    I was not ashamed of who I was and who I am now. I didn’t think that I could ever have the strength to stand alone and let it go
    I’ve learned my lesson, regret’s just a dead-end road. I’m chasing dreams, leaving the past behind to explode. Now I finally see the road that lead me to this road. This is the life I chose. No matter where I go the wind blows
    I found my voice, no longer afraid to expose.
    Now I’m free, my true self I gladly disclose.

    Tracie Sperling

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Tracie, this is AMAZING. You are so creative in your writing and I hope you continue to share more with The Unsealed. My favorite line in this is “Regrets are just lessons we’ve arranged.” This is a brilliant quote that I will now be using! You are so right! Some people take regrets as mistakes that ruin their lives, but I love your perspective and how you keep learning from what you have done. Keep up the great work!! ♥

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