  • Upside Down is Lovely.

    Hello little one.
    You think you don’t know me, but if you saw me, you would recognize me, although you wouldn’t know why. You can be skeptical, and untrusting but it is not your nature. There are people around your who are not well. It’s not their fault and they love you. And they will sometimes say the wrong thing. So please, take a minute to read my words.
    You have a life ahead for which you are well suited. Things are not always easy; you have the gift of seeing everyone in their best light. I love that about you because people feel safe with you. Make sure you always see yourself in the same amazing light. You are important too. You crave the safety of being heard, understood, and loved. Not everyone will understand you and that is okay, it’s a lot to ask. Sweetest heart, they can still love you.
    Little one, you have the eye of an artist. You want to share the beauty you see with everyone. Do it. Tell the story of your picture, don’t be afraid to draw, there is no such thing as a mistake. It is okay to start over. Don’t let them tell you that you have no talent. You have a spirit that no person can dominate so don’t let the negative comments live in your head. It’s just as easy to toss them in the trash.
    Little one your words have meaning and power. Use them in any way you can. Your notes make people laugh, your letters cleanse your soul and bring clarity. Even when speaking fails you, the pen in your hand will not. Put it to paper and bring your light to the page. You have magic in your manor. You have purity of soul; you have the innocence that is inner beauty. It will draw people to you. Stay gentle, stay true to yourself. It is of you to accept others as they are. You know that each is on their own path. Their presence will ebb and flow with your own in the rhythm of life.
    Little one, your body is strong and beautiful. It was crafted especially for you. Enjoy moving and dancing! It is good to be upside down! You will fall, you won’t break. If you can think it, you can do it. Your brain, not your body, is your limit. Listen to the wisdom of your body when it wants to move, to stretch, to rest. You don’t have to eat if you are not hungry. Your body will tell you when, and what. I love that you already have that knowledge, and that you are so happy in your skin.
    The things that bring you so much joy are in your life to stay. Your dogs, your horses, your art. The love you have for nature and all things outside. You stay grounded and connected to God using all your senses, alone or in concert. You are naturally good at the things it takes others a lifetime to learn. You have the gift of being able to help others see beauty in the same way that you do. Colors, and sounds light and shadow all dance in a symphony of sensation. It is yours to capture in the moment and share. Do it. You are love, and compassion, you are fury and peace, you are the cacophony and the silence. There is power in your words and peace in your touch. You are all things in one package. You do need friends, always. You desire a partner. The closest people in your life should complement and challenge you. There is no such thing as love that intentionally inflicts pain. Please, please remember that.
    Little one, you are amazing, talented, and free. Trust yourself, see the beauty around you. If you trip, pretend you are flying. And live each day as if it is the best day ever.

    Chris Riddle

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Chris, your passion and love is almost palpable!! You are so incredibly strong and I aspire to be more like people like you. Your pure joy and love have carried their way from your childhood to your adult life and I am so happy that you have never lost that. Your younger self would have loved to hear that you grew up to be an amazing person ♥

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      • Harper V, you are so kind. Children are amazing, resilient and so open in their joy. They accept the situation they are in and find it’s beauty. I aspire to be child like in the way I love and the way I embrace life. Like any child I can be dark and moody. I can also dance in the rain with people watching. I hope
        that I inspire love and acceptance. Your worlds make my heart sing. My inner child needs to hear the encouragement ♥️

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        • I completely agree. Children have an innocence like no other. The beauty in them experiencing everything for the first time is truly amazing. I am happy to hear what you have to say. You are a great writer and I am excited to read more from you!

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