  • Dear Younger Me

    Dear younger me,
    If I could sit with the girl I used to be,
    In the tumultuous halls of middle school, where I felt so lost at sea,
    A fragile soul, a heart so tender and free,
    I’d take your hands and tell you, “Stop the constant self-doubt and fear, You’re stronger than you know, don’t let their words draw near.”

    Their laughter and whispers, it’s just empty noise,
    A pathetic distraction from their own unfulfilled joys.
    It’s a hollow sound, a meaningless refrain,
    Don’t let it sink in deep, don’t let it take its toll and stain.
    You’re better than their hate, your worth is your soul,
    A brilliant light, a precious whole.

    I’d say, “Don’t hide away, your voice matters too,
    It’s unique and valuable, let it ring out true.
    Believe in yourself, that’s all you have to do,
    Your worth isn’t defined by them, it’s found in you,
    In the depths of your heart, in the truth of your mind,
    You are enough, you are kind.

    Be kind to your body, it’s your only home,
    A beautiful vessel, a sacred throne.
    Nourish it with goodness, with fruits and with greens,
    Eat well, move often, make your health your own dreams.
    You’ll feel the difference, you’ll be strong, you’ll be grown,
    A vibrant spirit, a life fully known.

    Oh, and the music, the guitar in your hands,
    A tool for expression, a voice for your plans.
    The words you’ll write, the songs you’ll stand,
    It soothes your soul, it sets you free, it expands,
    Your heart, your mind, your very being,
    Keep practicing, you’ll see, you’ll be gleaming.

    And the friends you’ll find, the true ones who’ll stay,
    Through every up and down, through every step of the way.
    Distance won’t matter, time won’t fade,
    The love you’ll share, the bond you’ve made,
    A connection deep, a friendship true,
    A treasure rare, a gift to you.

    Heartbreak will come, it’s a painful part,
    A shattering of dreams, a tearing of the heart.
    But it will teach you, it will show you the start,
    Of what you want, of what you need,
    A love that lifts you, a love that frees,
    A love that cherishes, a love that sees,
    The real you, the true you, the best you.

    So keep the faith, girl, don’t you forget,
    You’re not alone, you’re never bereft.
    God is with you, in every single day,
    In every breath, in every way.
    Be strong, be brave, find your own way,
    A path that’s yours, a journey to slay,
    The doubts, the fears, the insecurities,
    And step into the woman, into the realities.

    And love, oh love, it will come your way,
    A love that’s patient, a love that’s kind.
    Be patient, dear heart, it’s not a race,
    But a dance, a sway, a gentle embrace.
    It’s a journey, it’s a winding road,
    But it’s worth the wait, it’s worth the load,
    The weight of the world, the sting of the pain,
    Will be lifted, will be replaced with love’s sweet refrain.

    Oh, little one, don’t waste a single tear,
    You are enough, always, year after year.
    Be gentle with yourself, through every fall,
    You are brave, you are loved, through it all.
    You’re growing, you’re learning, you’re finding your way,
    Through the darkness and the light, through every single day.
    Keep moving forward, keep pushing through,
    You are stronger than you think, you’ll make it through.

    The future you.

    Mackenzie Firman

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Mackenzie, I love, love, love this! This is so beautifully written. You are enough, no matter what anyone ever tells you. I am so sorry for everything that you’ve had to go through. You are so incredibly powerful and it is present in your words. Your younger self would be so proud of you. You have become an amazing person with such a pure and loving heart. I want to be more like people like you!! You inspire me!! ♥

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