  • Come back when you’re ready

    You smiled so wide. You were happy and free. A ray of sunshine even the clouds couldn’t hide.

    So fearless but so cautious. Took on any problem head on but also took precautions.

    You gave the purest forms of love. Like kindness and understanding and keeping everyone’s spirits high when things got rough.

    So infectious with your silliness. It was so hard for people to contain this.

    You moved so gracefully through whatever obstacles you were facing. You jumped so high over hurdles and you conquered every goal you were chasing.

    So beautiful. Inside And out. Radiant in every way. An irresistible aura beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    You always see the good even when times grew dark. Like looking forward to the rainbow at the end of a storm. A true work of art.

    So I’m writing this poem as a reminder to me. To find my way back to the way we used to be.

    Charlaya Irving

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Charlaya, I love this. Your positivity and radiance as a child are so evident in your writing and I can tell that those pieces of you have carried on into your adult life. Even though you have evolved as a person, the beauty and love in your heart will never change. You will always be a good person with so much joy to share with the world, even if you don’t think you do. Keep up the great work ♥

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