  • Your Days

    If ever there was a day when you might
    Need me, it may be now. If ever there was a day
    You might feel shut in a room with locked doors
    Staring down at you expectantly, it may be now.
    So, please, pick up this paper. Take a few
    Unsettling heartbeats to cast your eyes
    And drink what I can pour from my days. Your Days.

    I don’t know what forest you are walking through.
    Nor what hands hold yours, but I do know that
    The forest is full of unknowns. It can be cold at night
    When silence falls. Roots too easily hidden
    By a gentle carpet of moss can reach up
    And take you down to the bed of pine needles
    Beneath your feet.

    So, if someone asks you why you feel frightened
    Of where you walk, or why you feel exposed
    Tell them: Because we are in a forest.
    It grew without any thought of me, without
    Any regard for a visitor. The trees need an anchor
    While the animals need a place to call home.
    The ferns and knotwood need sunlight
    Of which they will always have. Should
    I walk as if the forest needs me?

    You are strong. The meadows and thickets
    Surrounding you are new because you
    Are new. You came from marble halls and wooden
    Floors and carpet laid bare. And you walked.
    To explore is to be uncomfortable, and sometimes
    Loneliness is your other hand. Good and bad,
    Full and empty, you will survive if you let yourself
    Survive. There is no one like you, and to deprive
    The world of such a unique creature would
    Do her a disservice. You are valued, not in the eyes
    Of today’s friend or tomorrow’s decision maker
    But in your choices. Your choices of how you say
    Hello to those who struggle more than you. Who
    Have less than you. How do you shake the hand
    Of hatred, How do you shake the hand of Love?

    Wherever you walk, wherever you stand, make it known
    Love will start, and end, with you.

    Tom Delmonte

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Tom, I love this! You are so special and unique. Your individuality creatively inspires me! You are an excellent writer. You explored the uncomfortable situations and took them as learning opportunities. You can do anything you set your mind to. Great work! Keep writing ♥

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