  • Dear Superhero

    Dear Superhero,
    Do you remember when you would tie a makeshift cape to your neck sporting another kid’s underwear as a mask? You thought the bravest thing anyone could do was be a superhero. You were convicted that with enough imagination, you could be a real life superhero. Do you remember how you used to find wounded bugs and animals in nature? How you would take them home, nurse them back to health and mourn them when they left? I fiercely love that your love has no bounds in form either. To you, the spider is of equal importance to the fly. You’ve always had a profound connection to nature simply through your own unconditional love but you would never place judgment on an act of Nature. Honestly though, you are my superhero. I’ve never met anyone else who could walk through hellfire and still love the ones who put them through it. Your super power was loving everyone and everything even in the depths of quicksand or calving glaciers. I won’t lie, there were many times I thought you wouldn’t prevail. Just like a superhero you always came out on top, smiling victoriously despite brushing against all consuming darkness. To this day, I’ve never seen someone have the audacity to stand up for innocent people simply just because they were people. It didn’t matter who they were, where they came from, how they dressed, how much money they had, you always took a stand. “Tiny but Mighty,” is what they called you, because even though you were a small girl, you always managed to come up swinging any time you were down.Your superpower was alchemizing demons and turning them into sweet symphonies. Every trial and tribulation was a testament of the perseverance of your heart, and instead of being angry or upset you found ways to love even the darkest circumstances. I remember the boy in class that the teacher would always be cast doubt on, making the whole class burst into condescending giggles. You didn’t even know this girl, but you still stood up in such a way that they backed down. Do you remember when two girls pinned you to a brick wall because you told them not to pick on that kid? I don’t even remember the kid, but I remember your passion and your kindness. Or the boy who was being bullied by a group of grown men and you intervened? Better yet, you did that for everyone you saw no matter how small, because you had the strongest moral compass I’ve ever seen. Further yet, I’ve never met someone who always chooses compassionate truth, even when it meant losing everything. I’ve never met someone who cared enough about people, to love them in all their flaws and all their nooks and crannies but still cared enough to try and pull them out of the fire. So many times you were told you were too forgiving, too compassionate, too caring, but real superheroes are the ones who stand in the face of adversity and rise up through it rather than letting it pull them down. I know that if you could heal every broken heart, every scrape and bruise in the entire world that you would, even if it meant revisiting the flames. You don’t know how to give up, and I love the fact that even though you knew you had the choice, that you’d choose it again. I admire that every time life told you to bend or to break, that you had the audacity to stand in your own aliveness. You are the best superhero I’ve ever been blessed to meet; you are unbreakable, you love unconditionally, you are a healer, an alchemist, and a love story that the world desperately needs to hear. I admire how you never placed your narrative on another being. You knew your own pain and would listen to the broken hearts of lost friends with the most exquisite compassion. While Spiderman, Clark Kent, and Wonder Woman might not exist, you do and you continue to have the audacity to choose to be a superhero even when you don’t feel like you are. I love you more than any words on any paper can ever say. I know I put you through your own version of hellfire as a coping mechanism, but trust me when I say I will treat your body as a temple, your mind as a sanctuary, and your soul as a portal to universal love, because that’s what every superhero needs. I know you’ve still been hiding behind the mask of pretend and play, never wanting to take credit or cause too much attention….but the world is ready for you, I am ready for you. You can take off your mask, because it’s okay and because I will protect you and love you just as you do for others. I will do everything in my super power tool box to do what I couldn’t do then, protect and cherish you more than anything in the world. You deserve at least that. Thank you, for being my superhero and continuing to inspire everything that I do. I wouldn’t have made it without you.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Delilah, this is SO good. The love and compassion within you both as a child and now is very admirable. You loved all, no matter who they were, what they looked like, or what they did to you. The line “I’ve never met anyone else who could walk through hellfire and still love the ones who put them through it” is so beautiful, but heartbreaking. You endured so much and did it with a smile on your face. I am sorry for what you had to go through, but I am so proud of you for being able to overcome it. Amazing work. ♥

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