  • Second Child of Mine

    Inner child
    My second child
    I never got to raise
    Thank you for the smiles
    On my darkest days
    My biggest fan
    That never turned away
    My secret safe
    That holds my scars and pain
    She held on tight
    To hopes and dreams
    I could not see
    I love the free
    The spiritual version of you
    That I could not be
    You were there for me
    Now it’s time
    That I be there for me
    I love that you were not a mistake
    Our burdens I took to His alter
    Now He handles us with grace
    With arms wide open
    There is no more need to be broken
    I’ve surrendered you and I
    Child of mine
    You are strong in me
    Abba healed both sides of me
    My second child I love
    Yes she is me
    I love that your
    Priceless like a diamond
    Now shine so the world can see

    Written by: Leslie M Rivera

    Leslie M Rivera

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Leslie. This is so sweet. Your younger self would be so proud of who she has become. You are an amazing person with such a beautiful and pure heart, and you owe it all to little you!! She made you who you are today. Without the challenges you two faced, you would be a different person with completely different ideologies and thoughts! Keep being you, because you are awesome! Love this ♥

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