  • The Inner Child

    What to do when the shades are filled with blue with colors of black that stain you front and back,
    Where you never come back from the paint smeared on your face colored red and black.
    Always looking for a place to stay, a place where you felt less gray. Shaded in the back when all you wanted was to be the star at the front of the stage.
    The only place that felt equally similar was you.
    The person who was the little kid that you had once upon a time, that lit a blaze in your eyes. The type of eyes that made worlds unite, and come alive.
    People change, where at times there faced with the gray parts of themselves as they grow up they also fall apart, because everything you thought that you were was just as muddy as your gut. Where you are cursed with the mess instead of being blessed. In the end we do it to ourselves.
    Not listening to that truth inside you that guides you. That never left you, it’s a seesaw of left and right and a kind of yellow and blue a queasy feeling you get when things just don’t sit right. YOU are the standing ovation to put in your heart and rest in the end of all the pain and suffering, you find that little blue place that was inside of you all along, that pulled the strings in dancing to songs that made you happy, having a passion that drove you to be the main character in a movie, like a garden full of laughter and wonders of things that grow old. A inner voice that called for more to do more to be more, and ultimately inviting a new story. I had {correction}, still do a fiery yellow energy of gold skies and blue star dust.
    That helped me stay pure and in my light. never letting things go in spite of what others said or did to make me into them. To get back the little fireflies’ that lit up inside, is tough when the world has turned me into something so unfair, where the world was to hard to bare, because a love like mine with a touch of magic and comes so rare, its something no one could dare change, being bold and wild and full of joy. I wish to bring my inner child back to the surface holding her hand and bringing her flowers, giving her that one chance to finally live again. To embrace the inner child it must be where you give that love to yourself again, to look in the mirror and repeat “I love you”, but really mean it to hug and cry with yourself, to rebuild that joy inside that has no end. With every twirl, comes a flash of softness that brings her back, for she was never gone, she just needed more love. ]
    the end.

    Shiana Jasmine

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Shiana, I love this!! You are completely right, your younger self never left you, she just needed a little love and encouragement to let her know it was okay to be out. It is normal to feel like this!! Many people feel like they have lost themselves when they just forgot how to bring out parts of their childhood! You are full of so much love and joy and you should be so proud of how far you have come. Amazing work, keep writing!! ♥♥

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