  • "Thank You For Not Going Home"

    All you’ve ever wanted was to be understood
    But the forces of evil and the forces of good
    Were born within the people who claimed
    “I love you”

    Which wasn’t true,
    Because to be loved isn’t to be used
    Or be turned black and blue
    Your skin doesn’t deserve a single bruise
    Yet the lies that lied in the home you grew up in
    Called you
    “A punishment”

    And it does hurt, doesn’t it?
    When the ones you pray for at night
    Laugh at your existence?
    Your life feels like a curse
    And it is,
    Every second felt like a nightmare
    And it was,
    You continued to pray for a God up above
    To save you from a horror show that some call

    You don’t know which day it is
    Unless it’s Sunday and Mom’s away
    You call for her as if she is near
    And the animals say
    “Mom isn’t here”
    And you want to go home
    Yet the only home that you’ve ever known
    Was a cage and the animals prod you with sticks
    Ignorance truly is bliss
    The realization that life shouldn’t be lived like this
    Will hit you like a ton of bricks

    The thing is-
    Those animals don’t love you
    All they do is to drain all the blood from your neck
    And laugh while you scream,
    And love when you’re weak,
    And buying you scissors then cutting your wings-
    You have potential that animals can’t see
    They want to see your castle crumble
    I know that it’s hard now
    But you have a mind of titanium,
    And the strength of a lion,
    And the tongue of a nail that will lock his dark coffin-
    And you’re not the problem,
    Ellie, I love you and can’t thank you enough
    For staying on earth
    And not going home.

    Eliana Montondon

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Hi Eliana, my name is Amanda. I wanted to let you know how inspiring your poem is. I am sorry that you have experienced these difficulties. But your writing is very beautiful. I will note that the part that held the most impact was the last stanza. But specifically where you stated, “But you have a mind of titanium, And the strength of a lion, And the strength of a nail that will lock his dark coffin-“ these lines made me feel all of the power gained from all of this pain. Truly inspiring! Never stop writing:))

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    • Eliana, this is beautiful. You are so creative and, like you said, you have so much potential. You didn’t deserve what happened to you. No kid should ever have to endure pain like that. However, even with all of the hardships you faced, you became an amazing person with a smart and beautiful mind. Your abilities have no bounds and I am so proud of how far you have come! Keep up the great work because you really are so creative and have endless potential.

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