  • Her, Me and Us.

    I look at her,
    in all of her thirteen year old glory.
    in her thirteen year old gloom.
    I wonder what it is, that I could have done different,
    to save her.
    To show her,
    that life is not as unforgiving as it may seem.
    I know there is not much.

    She looks back at me,
    in our twenty-four year old glee,
    our twenty-four year old frustration.
    I know she is proud.
    She knows we are still trying,
    and she looks back at me every time I look in the mirror,
    and I see her, us, and me.

    We look at each other,
    in this unyielding era,
    she knows that we are finally free.
    I know this is something I can give her,
    she knows this is something worth waiting for.
    So she waits, to become me, and us, and her.

    Marley Mennel

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Marley, this a very well-written poem. It’s okay that you were excited about your future! You couldn’t wait to see what your life had in store for you. Everyone at some point in their lives wishes that they were somewhere else. Wishing to get yourself out of a tough time is perfectly normal and it’s okay to feel like this. Do everything that you do for your younger self. You are making her proud! Prove to her that she was right for wanting to be like you sooner!! You’re amazing. Keep up the great work ♥

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