  • Wolves & Doves

    Fearless wonder
    Instilled within
    Small bones.

    Not ever quite finding
    What felt like home.

    Courageous child,
    Strong and mild
    You were raised by wolves
    But didn’t let them make you wild.

    Beautiful girl
    With the world at hand
    Skipping and playing
    Within your own magical

    Mud pies

    You were never alone
    Although you felt like
    It when you cried.

    Chlorophyll eyes
    Light bursting inside
    You kept yourself
    Soft and sweet
    At every road that felt like defeat.

    Although others never said they
    Were proud,
    you didn’t hide your head
    Up in the clouds
    Instead you decided
    To live your life out loud.

    Hiding from the crowd
    Blanketed in a protective
    Shroud of innocence
    And love.

    My inner child
    A gentle peaceful

    Kristen m grula

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kristen, this is beautiful!! I love, love, love the line “You were raised by wolves
      But didn’t let them make you wild.” The strength that you had to have to persevere through this is incredible. You are so brave and I am so glad that you have made peace with your inner child. Keep up the great work. ♥

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