  • Swimming Lessons

    I am my father’s daughter
    To the girl whose daddy was her Superman without a cape
    The girl who spoke with reckless abandon,
    So strong and steadfast in her truth
    Her mind, a reservoir
    Her throat a cracked damn
    Her lips chapped concrete
    Spilling, overflowing, words dripping
    Rushing, bursting at the seams
    Getting swept up in the current
    You know that feeling unloved is a thirst you feel in your bones
    So you’ll let the water flow freely for others so they’ll never know the aching of going without
    My dad taught me how to swim by tossing me in a motel swimming pool with no warning or explanation
    My dad taught me about anger the same way; no warnings, no hesitation
    My father, my family, passed down second-hand rage with the expectation of learning how to carry it the hard way
    To the ghost of a little girl’s childhood past,
    You’ll learn that your anger is self-love set on fire, and standing up for yourself requires burning people who try to get in your way
    That the heat is just as cleansing as the water
    That drowning in a saltwater sadness won’t prove your worth to the wrong people
    And the flames will make you stronger if you let them
    Being broken and down and built anew
    There are so many versions of yourself you’ll get to fall in love with, over and over and over again
    I loved you as a rebellious child
    I loved you as an arrogant teen
    I loved you as the uncertain woman in her 20s
    I loved you as the mother with little to no support
    I loved you as the addict without a place to call home
    I loved you as the grief destroyed you
    I loved you as I watched you rebuild again
    I love the parts of you that you hate the most, and the best parts of you that you don’t even see
    I’ve loved you in a million passing moments, and I’ll love you as a million more pass by again
    The part that I love the most is finding the love that I’ve been searching for within myself
    And knowing that I’ll always, always, always be enough
    To keep myself afloat
    To keep myself from drowning
    To keep myself from bursting into flames

    Beza Woche

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Beza, this is so powerful. I am so sorry that you felt the way that you did. Other people did love you. They may not have shown it, but they loved you. Regardless of the other people, self-love is one of the most important things in life. I am glad that you have made peace with your past and shown love towards every part of your life. The only person that you can ever fully trust and know that they will always have your back is… you! You are so strong and brave and I look up to people like you! Keep up the great work. YOu are incredible!! ♥

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