  • My Sweet Girl

    Your innocence shines through the cracks of my skin,
    Like rays of sunshine beaming through to remind me that you’re still here.
    You sit in corners with your piano,
    Your imagination dancing.
    I hear your silence singing to me,
    See your eyes filled with hope.
    I couldn’t heal until I looked within and saw you sitting alone.
    You never asked for love,
    And you seldom cried.
    I carry you with me as I go.
    You’re a reminder of the light I still hold inside.

    So young yet so old,
    You are more powerful than you know.
    From time to time,
    Tears trickle down my cheeks.
    We’d been left alone before,
    And I was wondering if it was me.
    But my sweet girl,
    I didn’t get to hear my tears hit the floor.
    I took my eyes off of you for a second and found you holding me.

    Your love is potent.
    You are wise beyond your years.
    I carry your light with me.
    I will always take care of you and wipe your tears.
    My sweet girl, the world is something you may never understand,
    But I’ll be here for with you.
    I’ll never let go of your hand.
    When your light beams through,
    I’ll know that it’s you.

    My sweet girl, my love is with you.

    Naiya Figueroa

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Awww Naiya, this is incredibly beautiful and so so so so sweet. I am sorry for any hurt you endured during your childhood, but you sound like you were magical child who grew to be an adult with a soft and sweet heart. This part literally made me saw “Awww” outloud:

      My sweet girl, the world is something you may never understand,
      But I’ll be here for with you.
      I’ll never let go of your hand.

      Thank you for sharing such a beautiful piece, and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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