  • To My Beloved Husband

    Dear Husband,
    I miss you every single moment of every single day.
    I miss your laugh, your smile and your love for me and our kids.
    You continue to inspire me every single day to press on no matter how difficult the struggle may seem.
    No matter how tough things got, you would not give up.
    You took on me and my 2 kids after the divorce from my 1st marriage.
    You loved them as your own.
    Then came my mother into the fold, whom you lovingly took in as your own mother.
    My family became your family, my mother became your mother and eventually my God be amen your God.
    You continue to inspire our son to become the Eagle scout he wants to be.
    You started him on that path years ago and like you, he will not give up on his dreams.
    Thank you for continuing to inspire our family.
    Your life, full of military service in the Navy and full of love and a legacy of never giving up will always inspire us.
    You were and always will be the love of my life, my soul mate and my twin flame.
    You ran the race and you gained your crown. Your reward in this earth was great but your reward of eternal life in Heaven is greater.
    You inspire me to keep running the race to press on until I see you again in Heaven someday.
    Love, your best friend, your soul mate, your twin flame.

    Kimberly Zeches

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • I cannot imagine what it is like to lose your twin flame and wish you all the best going forward. He sounded like a wonderful man who loved you dearly and I am sure he is looking down on you right now with a big smile on his face and love in his heart.

      Write me back 

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