  • My Trinity of Wise Women

    I’m suddenly aware of frigid air;
    A chill to my very core.
    It’s only been a few months,
    I miss you mom.
    This is a cold I’ve never felt before,
    Rising up behind me-
    …. the air is compelling.
    It shines, the air is in my sight.

    Aunt Lisa, you taught me-
    To see differently, to be different.
    You two showed me the beauty of I…
    Grandma, two decades since you were here.
    I can feel your smile and smell Gardenia.
    In your bed mom,
    time itself stopped.
    I cannot sit here much longer.
    I scrub the bathtub,
    I’ve always hated wet hair.
    Yet I saw an orange strand or two,
    I set them aside,
    As the unfamiliar air continued to rise.
    Rise above expectations-
    Rise above the concept of perfection.
    This air is so refreshing,
    Cold breeze in a hot and muggy night.
    I can feel the support,
    A love more than unconditional.
    Unbreakable, unshakeable.
    An unfamiliar & unwavering support.
    Personal- I feel the tears
    They fall as I write,
    So, as long as there’s fresh air,
    I will continue to rise.

    Mom, it’s been seventy days,
    Since you took yourself away.
    I feel my lost idols,
    In my heart and around my neck.
    Heaven sent pearls-
    Of beauty and wisdom adorn me.
    I watch the irredescent bubbles,
    The heat of the water,
    Contrast of cold air.
    Mom I’ll honor your words,
    I shan’t give into despair.

    – Hillary Rosenthal

    Hillary Rosenthal

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • I remember the hardest part of losing my Grandfather was finding his things everywhere. A hat, some clothing, golf clubs, things that I couldn’t use but I couldn’t throw away. I am sorry for your loss and for the pain you feel right now. It will get better, eventually, the pain will become more bittersweet. I wish the best for you.

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    • Hillary, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Your words are heartfelt and beautiful. Keep taking each day one at a time. Your mom and aunt are so proud of you. Sending you lots and lots of hugs. <3 Lauren

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