  • Stroke by Sarah Lower -In loving memory of my grandma who passed from a stroke on 1/13/24

    I remember sitting in that chair with you
    It was for one, but we fit two.
    Every year that would pass,
    My crevasse became more compact
    But it didn’t matter, because I was close to you,
    And that’s all I ever wanted to do.
    You’d stroke my hair,
    Then my back,
    You’d make me smile just like that.
    I always knew,
    I couldn’t bear losing you.

    You taught me to draw
    With pencil to paper,
    You made her the most beautiful figure.
    I never thought I was pretty,
    But that portrait of me was perfect to a T,
    And so were we.
    Each pencil stroke Inspired me
    I want to be,
    As heavenly as she.

    I pick all the flowers
    Blooming from the morning showers,
    Make you a bouquet
    With the most beautiful array.
    Now the gardenias from your yard,
    Are tattooed on my arm.
    With each stroke
    The artwork came to life
    Now you’re with me,
    As long as I’m alive.

    But with immense dismay
    Blood flow was restrained,
    And you were stroked away,
    But something stayed.
    Now your love runs through my veins,
    My blood is your name.
    I want to be as sweet as you every day.
    Your radiant and contagious smile
    Now lives through me,
    I aspire to be, as merry as she.

    Sarah Lower

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Beautiful and well-written. I had a similar experience when I lost my Grandmother and I plan on getting a tattoo in her honor when I can save up enough money. I am sorry for your loss but I know she was proud of you.

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