  • Such a young Timothy...

    Little lad, so soon originality
    Were now had of remembrance to see
    Like that dreadful hot summer-
    Drenched in sweat then thinking
    Scared to death, running to Dad…
    Yelling out loud, “Hey Pop’s-I’m leaking”!
    Or jumping down Superhero style-
    Straight off the top of the staircase,
    Knowing your cape-towel all the while-
    Would land you safe on the base!
    Such fun mischief you often went through,
    A wonder-dare conquering fears…
    The natural boy came to you so clear!
    Yes that little boy with hazel eyes and smiles too!
    The lines stepped over, “one and only” say they-
    At such a time past-you were always this way!
    No toys to bring for elementary all for-“show and tell”…
    So to school in a box-you brought snakes so well!
    When came your turn-they slithered out all around the room,
    And all the girls surely thought-this was final doom!
    They all jumped up, they screamed and they fled…
    But us young boys caught them-let them go, and caught them again!
    Have I not to go on of-your happy younger self,
    But you were so thankful all for everyone else!
    You liked all those kids that none would play with,
    You felt bad and cared-so you friended all of them!
    That is only character, by God instilled for good…
    And because of Him-so poor, yet rich you stood.
    Yes little Timothy, original you were-
    And that has carried on, in sincere imagination sure…
    Even unto this day!
    Yea, still that little guy inside-
    By your kids is forever embraced!
    Love ya lad!!!

    My younger self 🙂

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • “And because of Him-so poor, yet rich you stood” My favorite line 🦋
      Thank you for sharing I imagined it all in my head. Especially the part with you showing off the snakes in class and having to chase them all along side the boys.
      Thank you for existing ✨

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      • I appreciate you so much Vanessa, I’m gonna have to look on your profile soon. When someone appreciates you for who you are-I think that is very cool! Ty for being and having a positive person and attitude!

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    • Timothy, this is such a fun poem! I can just see you bringing snakes into the classroom for show and tell! As a teacher, I think I would have to quit after that! 🙂 I love how you embrace the quirkiness of childhood and I am sure that you still bring that excitement into the lives of those close to you. Thank you for sharing your poetry!

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      • Emmy,
        Thank you so much for reading my little story. And more importantly thank you so much for being a teacher. I love teachers so much and they are like angels to me. It was the teachers that took care of me in school when I never had anything ☺️ teachers are like angels to me and my cousin is a teacher and two people from my church are too. Doctors and nurses are my angels also they’ve always taken care of me on my deathbed and od’s and stuff like that. Keep up the good work Emmy and praise you for loving those little kids. 💪 ❤️‍🩹😎

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