  • If I Could Know You Now

    Dear Pappy,
    It has been 10.5 years since you left us for greener pastures and those golden, pearly gates were taught as children. You only knew me for about 6 years of the 15 years you knew your oldest child had adopted three little girls. By the time I knew your name, you had forgotten mine. Oh, how we miss you. We miss your laughs, your candy jar in your milk house, your coffee cups sitting in your truck and how you loved to play with the youngest children. I miss your stories back when you were younger. I miss you scaring us kids with your false teeth and I miss hearing you say “Now, I love you guys but, I don’t want you fighting.” I miss your kisses on my cheek every time I left your house and mostly, I just miss you. I hope you are taking care of your border collies up there and I hope you are proud of your kids, grandkids, great grandkids and the unborn great-great grandkids that are bound to come into our lives at some point. I wish I could have told you goodbye on your last night but, I know you are no longer in pain and you now know all of us, even those you never got to meet.

    Shay Vogler

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Beautiful, Heart-felt, Understandable and great expression of feelings from yourself!

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    • Shay, I am so sorry for your loss. This is such a sweet letter. I love that even the most random, little things that most people wouldn’t even think of as being important are some of the most memorable things about loved ones. Your Pappy would be so proud of you and loves you so much!! ♥

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