  • Worth the Wait

    A stranger is only that if you haven’t met them yet.
    A kind smile and a friendly wave to someone new is very brave!
    Tip your hat. Give a nod.
    Don’t be wearing a facade.
    In the end, we’re all flawed.
    Be proud of what makes you odd!
    Let your truest self shine through.
    Connections deepen when you do.
    If you want to rely on fate, chances are you’ll have to wait.
    But that doesn’t mean you’re late.
    It’s worth it to find something great.
    Belief could be the spark you’re craving.
    Your hope in true love is worth saving.

    Cynthia M. Moore

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cynthia, I absolutely loved your poem. “Be proud of what makes you odd” is my favorite line! As we get older, many of us try to hide our quirks when we should really let them shine. You are so right that it is worth it to wait for something great. Thank you for sharing!

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