  • Dear Favourite cousin...

    The news shattered my heart into pieces,
    hearing that you were gone,
    caused me to lose my appetite instantly.
    We were close, and you were best cousin I had.
    Even though there were times we fought, we always made up in no time.
    At your funeral, reality really did hit me;
    You were really gone.
    It ached my heart to see you lying there, so helpless.
    I couldn’t hold the tears anymore, I allowed it all to flow freely,
    As I cried my eyes out in my mother’s arms.
    You were really gone,
    and I was never going to be able to see you again.
    But I know you’re resting in that beautiful garden on the other side.
    Continue to rest in sweet paradise until we meet again.

    S. Griffith

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Saskia, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a person so close to you is never easy and I can’t imagine what you went through after he passed. Just know that the love you two shared is infinite and the memories you made will always be remembered. Even though this is hard, you can get through this, you’re so strong!! ♥♥

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