  • Seen

    Is the darkness hidden well?
    Or can you see its all show and tell?

    How troubling is the mind-
    Exploring all the broken pieces,
    And crevices abused with time.

    The joy and innocence of a little girl stole-
    Tears and fear did she meet in her bed,
    Wishing instead of life, she were dead.

    Day after day,
    Night after night,
    Little by little,
    Her light was snuffed out;
    Love- a word, she began to doubt.

    Wanting to fight and push on she did,
    But the pain broke her and so she hid.

    Not knowing who to trust,
    Or where to turn,
    Confusion masking lessons learned.

    Abused around every corner,
    Men lusted and adorned-her.

    Ridiculed with guilt and shame,
    No-one but herself to blame.

    The pain just increased and increased,
    Until all hope within her finally ceased-

    Filled with such disgust and self-hate,
    She began to suffocate-

    Unable to accept reality,
    With crippled mentality-

    Only one place left to run,
    Falling to her knees before the Son.

    Sin at his feet-
    She lay,
    Begging for forgiveness-
    She prays.

    Wiping her slate clean like never before-
    Gods love is the one and only cure.

    Broken are the chains,
    Alleviating the pain-

    Free is she-
    And mighty is Thee.

    Kristina Johnson

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    • Wow Kristina, I am so sorry for the pain you endured. This piece is brilliantly written and quite powerful. I am so glad you found the peace you deserve. Sending you a big hug. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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